The Poetry Lighthouse Prize
The Poetry Lighthouse Prize (summer)
10 poems will be shortlisted out of all of the poems that have been published with us, from which, 3 will be awarded. Additionally, all the poems selected for the long-list and short-list will get a spot in our seasonal paperback poetry collection.
1st prize — $100
2nd prize — $75
3rd prize — $50
This public event will take place online and all short-listed poets will be invited to read some of their poems.
The Poetry Lighthouse Prize (winter) — postponed to January
Attention — the date is likely to be postponed. All details will be announced on Instagram.
10 poems will be shortlisted, from which, 3 will be awarded.
1st prize — $50 + publication
2nd prize — $50 + publication
3rd prize — $50 + publication