It’s your time

to leave a mark


Please submit from 1 to 5 poems (up to 12 pages total) for consideration, following these steps:

1. First save your poems as a single pdf or word document, with font 12, with a page division between each poem.

  • Your portfolio must include the author’s name, and the number and title of the poems. You can optionally add a short bio.

  • Please name your document as follows: (Name)_(# of poems). Example: “Robert-Frost_5poems”

2. Send your portfolio to the following email:

3. You’ll receive an email confirming that we received your submission.

  • Our editors will review your submission and provide a response within 3 weeks, letting you know whether your work has been accepted.

4. If your poems were accepted, they will be assigned to one of our editors for feedback and corrections (if needed) in order to make the best out of your poems. This process can take up to 4 weeks. We appreciate your patience.

  • If you agree with the corrections and take our feedback advice, your poem will be ready to be published!

5. You will then fill out and sign a form to declare the authenticity of the piece, (all rights remain the property of the author).

6. Congrats! Your poem will be published on The Poetry Lighthouse and will be considered for the semi-annual paperback poetry collection and The Poetry Lighthouse Prize.


  • Because we strive to give every submission careful review and feedback, our response time can be up to four weeks. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • We mostly publish works in English, but we welcome poems in all languages. For poems that are not primarily in English, please include a translation of the non-English portion(s) of the poem. This is an accessibility consideration for our editorial staff.

  • For those submitting a performative recording, please also include a written copy of your text, as both video and text would be published if accepted for publication.

  • Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters, or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification.

  • Short stories, novelettes or poems generated or created by computer software and/or artificial intelligence will be disqualified.

  • Excessive violence or sex and the use of profane, vulgar, racist or offensive words, determined by the editors, will result in the story being rejected.

  • If your submission involves collaboration with another poet or artist, please include their name.
