Portuguese “Vicious Circle” / “Círculo vicioso”written by Machado de Assistranslated by Leonardo Soboleswki Flores Read poem and translation “Times change, Desires change” / “Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades”written by Luiz Vaz de Camõestranslated by Temitope Abigail Read poem and translation “Christmas sonnet” / “Soneto de Natal”written by Machado de Assistranslated by Leonardo Soboleswki Flores Read poem and translation “All love letters are ridiculous” / “Todas as cartas de Amor são Ridículas”written by Fernando Pessoatranslated by Temitope Abigail Read poem and translation “Intimate Verses” / “Versos Íntimos”written by Augusto dos Anjostranslated by Leonardo Soboleswki Flores Read poem and translation “Obsession blood” / “A obsessão de sangue”written by Augusto dos Anjostranslated by Leonardo Soboleswki Flores Read poem and translation