Vicious circle

Original version (Portuguese):

“Círculo vicioso” by Machado de Assis

Bailando no ar, gemia inquieto vaga-lume:

“Quem me dera que fosse aquela loura estrela,

Que arde no eterno azul, como uma eterna vela!”

Mas a estrela, fitando a lua, com ciúme:

“Pudesse eu copiar o transparente lume,

Que, da grega coluna à gótica janela,

Contemplou, suspirosa, a fronte amada e bela!”

Mas a lua, fitando o sol, com azedume:

“Mísera! tivesse eu aquela enorme, aquela

Claridade imortal, que toda a luz resume!”

Mas o sol, inclinando a rútila capela:

“Pesa-me esta brilhante auréola de nume...

Enfara-me esta azul e desmedida umbela...

Porque não nasci eu um simples vaga-lume?”

English version:

“Vicious circle” translated by Leonardo Soboleswki Flores

Dancing through the air, the restless firefly, sighed:

“If only I were that golden star so bright,

That burns forever, like a candle ever alight!”

But the star, at the moon, with envy, glared:

“If only I could claim the transparent glow,

That, from Grecian column to the Gothic pane,

Watched, in sighs, the lover’s lovely face!”

But the moon, glaring at the sun, with woe:

“Dear me! If only I had that immense, that

Immortal flame, which sums up all light we see!”

But the sun, inclining its radiant hat:

“This numinous halo weighs on me...

I loathe this azure, domed éclat...

Why was I not born a firefly, carefree?”


Christmas sonnet


my fleeting moments at dawn