Fantastical Letteres of Faerie Lee — Hymn I
How Six is Immortal
Thus began the tale of the Earth
With six the Empyrean Immortals,
Guardians of Ahura, the Uncreated,
Upon the newborn face of the Earth.
To each was His decision to entrust
An Elemental Heirloom, proper and light.
So, of thorns, trees, and flowers,
The Mistress Mirta was declared;
And in her trust came to be
The Blossom of Amordad, the Wholesome.
And seas of great width and length,
And to oceans of profound fathoms and depths,
The Governor was Aina, Herself,
And the Keeper of Aleks’ Ewer.
Yet prays of respect be to the Flames
Whose Master was Finn and the Possessor
Of Adnan’s Flame, so rumored was he.
And now let all the sovereigns doff
Their crowns and diadems of precious stones
Before the Mighty Thena, as of earth and rock
Was Daughter-hood her Birthright;
Wielded she the Alborz Coronet,
In her grasp she had its yield.
To disregard nought but the
Empyrean of metals and the sky;
Or may into your arse find
Its way, the grave lightning of rage;
For appointed and anointed was he
The Successor and The Protector
Of Ahura’s Treasured Ring.
Last but not least to clarify His ties
Was left Noah unforgotten but unspoken.
For was his object in grave measure,
As great as though ‘tragodia’ would be
Illumined through his unfriendly roars
That often failed not to convey
His constant want of civil game.
Alas, let us not leave out
How the latter of Ahura’s gifts,
Be it not a wonted Heirloom,
Was indeed sorely conscious of life,
As it could and would affright
Thee to the Tartarean edge
With the destructive spirit of
Its rusty sheen of mane and acute claws.
It would come in thunder, ‘I’m the Manticore!’