Poetry for the Blind

Embark on a thought-provoking journey with Poetry for the Blind by Atmos; a mesmerizing poetry collection that unveils society's unseen struggles through the eloquent verses of climate change, human-machine fusion, simulated reality, and more—where each verse acts as a mirror reflecting the blindness of our society towards pressing issues. 

Unearth the layers of meaning in poems like "Succession," where the destructive dance of progress and profit is laid bare—climate change, deforestation, and the scars of industrialization. Witness the poet's call to restrain the path of mass extinction, a pioneer of succession in the regions where life struggles to endure.

The poem "Machines" invites you to ponder the transformation of humanity into a complex organism of steel and circuitry. As bodies become replaceable, and minds are controlled by technology, the verses question if we are losing the essence of our humanity. Explore the blueprint of our biology, where corrective surgery and gene manipulation lead us down a path where man merges seamlessly with machine.

Step into the intriguing world of "Simulation," where reality blurs with illusion. Follow the poet's exploration of an overarching matrix, hidden instructions in code, and the tantalizing question—Are we fulfilling a higher purpose, or are we merely subjects in a technologically woven dream? Peel back the layers of simulated reality and challenge your perception of existence.

Poetry for the Blind is not just a collection of verses; it's a journey through the shadows of our collective consciousness, urging us to open our eyes to the blind spots that cloak our understanding of the world. Don't just read; experience the awakening, unravel the illusions, and rediscover the power of sight in the realm of poetry. 


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