Be the Good

I am strong and caring, 

Sometimes I care too much, 

Feel with all my heart, 

Every ounce of my being– 

Is vulnerability key? 

It hurts; 

I need to remind myself that 

I matter too— 

I can’t carry the weight of a 

Million souls and my 

Endless skeletons. 

I am one body ~ one being; 

I can bend, but my bones can 

Also break, 

Despite all, I must believe in the good, 

The good I have witnessed in strangers,

Blowing a kiss from their car 

As I sing my heart out

To Ain’t No Man,

The pure joy we brought each other 

By simply showing kindness,

Removing the tough exterior mask and yet, 

Never to know each other,

How could someone I’ve never met

Show more love than one

Who claims our bond

Is not to forget,

I give my whole heart

And care beyond belief

But when I am human

And show my emotional turmoil,

They condemn me to loneliness

Looking down at the filth that I am

As if they were some sort of Deity,

Despite those who betray 

My trust, 

Despite those I unwillingly 

Enabled to use and 

Toss me aside, 

I see the good when I look 

Into my husband’s eyes as if it were the first time,

When his lips curl into a smirk and he cracks his wit,

I feel the good as my dog’s tail thuds 

Against my face in excitement,

Oblivious to her surroundings,

I am reminded of contentment when I see our kitty

Curling up under the warmth of our Christmas tree,

And I am reminded, when I see my reflection,

My will to persevere past the sorrow embedded in my pupils, 

The unconditional adoration for my little family that pushes me never to give up,

That deep down, 

There is love in me 

That can never be shattered.



