Blind Alley
In the alley
any alley
a man runs
and his head
seems to be bleeding
there is a grey bandage
and he is bleeding
he is running
with his head first
and foremost and
there is no end
to the alley
the photo shoot
makes this entirely clear
as it pulls back
to show the blank wall
at the end of the alley
any alley
in this godforsaken
war zone where
the wall is blank
with graffiti
which are voices of hate
the last thing
he will ever see
as we see and cannot help
seeing the ranged guns
at our end of the alley
the end where we look
and are appalled
but continue to look
at the bright red bloom
on the grey bandage
and on our screen
and on the blank wall
at the end of this
or any other alley.