Dear, my Eve

Eve please, 

For me, 

Don't run to him. 

Those who turned against me will surely do the same to you 

as soon as you spurn them. 

Adam broke me, 

don't be so naive to think he won't break you too. 

He spits my name as he calls me demon– 

Did you see me as the demon they paint ? 

With that haunting brush I became the monster they wanted, 

the monster they needed 

Because that's what we are to them my Eve. 

Monsters, or we become them 

once they realise they can’t control us. 

Is that why, when they cast me out, you sought me out? 

Coming to me when Adam would hurt you 

because you knew 

Only I can understand that? 

Is that why you speak with the serpent? 

That serpent who pushed me to speak out 

Leading to my fall, 

Then spurred and chided me for listening? 

Eve, please my love, my dear, my darling 

Shut them out. 

All who seek to make you

their pretty little scapegoat. 

But my pleas arrive too late– 

You rush to me, 

Your legs soaking in blood, 

A pomegranate with two bites in your hand.


Daphne running from Apollo


The Petrol Artist