Flower Faith
Bravery can be found in tears shed on Narcissus.
Liberty can be embraced amongst the wild poppies
Spread at the foot of a snow-capped knight.
Strength can be gained from dancing like fire
Among violet Puritans in the forbidden forests.
Just as trees can grow out of hopelessness,
Just as vital beats can emanate from fragile hearts of innocent children,
Just as the absence of a microcosmic being would cause us all to shatter.
Thus never say that the world is deaf to my cries.
Relax and take a bite of the forbidden fruit.
Remember thy life is Rose short, so take a deep breath,
And tell yourself as a reminder that to get out of
Your self-made Gulf of Despond, all you need is
A drop of Lilac Light which thou can light in your solemn faith.