Plea to Author
Plea to Author
I do not need to understand you,
your truth is not mine, your interpretation incomplete.
Just let me ride your letters
seduce your words
and take your work as a mistress
into my bedroom
where colours hazes grin melt
into childlike fantasy,
where ecstasy constructs our truth.
Just give me your beat
to blow my numbness away
so we can give birth
to worlds hidden apart
from the white noise
of billboards, posts, feeds, pings
that weaponize language
to bastardize meaning
that blasphemes our only tool.
I promise to dive into your finite
breathe in your waters
and paint our moon
so I can fold it in my hands
and build our peace
So, let us share your mistress
so that she is me
and we are new
as you now take mine
and make her yours.