Hannah French

Hi! My name is Hannah, and I am about to embark upon a Fashion Design degree in Carmarthenshire, Wales. I have largely been a stay-at-home mother to three beautiful daughters. During this time I have immersed myself in the classics; Austen and Dickens being my favourites, as I switch between the dark and light of these fascinating eras and cultures. I also love philosophical literature such as Dostoevsky’s ‘The Idiot’ and the more modern works of C.S Lewis. I love Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the homegrown poems and plays of Dylan Thomas. My favourite book of all time is the Bible, which contains the beautiful poetry of the Psalms and the Song of Solomon. I love to write my own poetry and am inspired by literature, life and faith.

When I am not reading or writing, I can also be found singing hymns of old or those I’ve written. Despite being a home bird, my favourite pastime is being at the seaside; walking along the beach or taking a dip with my girls and my Cavachon. I am very much content with the simple life, taking pleasure in growing herbs, crafting gifts, watching birds and enjoying a good cup of tea.


Luisa A. Igloria


Dan Flore III