Marcus Slingsby
Marcus Slingsby was born in Yorkshire in 1973. During his 20's and early 30's he travelled the world: Labouring in the Middle East, fruit picking in Australia and working as a carpenter in New Zealand. This enabled him to wander through Asia and South America for years.
Love brought him to The Netherlands, and then out to West Africa teaching HIV/AIDS prevention. Starting a family was his biggest adventure by far.
He would include Rohinton Mistry, Barbara Kingsolver, Jonathan Franzen and David Mitchell as writers he loves to read. Poetry-wise; Louis MacNeice, Don Paterson and Jonathan Edwards amaze.
Marcus' time is spent being a house husband, a part-time bookseller and full-time dad. His work has appeared in Amsterdam Quarterly, Jasper's Folly, here at The Poetry Lighthouse and Petrichor (forthcoming). He lives in Friesland with his family and two characterful cats.