Marcus Slingsby

Marcus Slingsby was born in Yorkshire in 1973. During his 20's and early 30's he travelled the world: Labouring in the Middle East, fruit picking in Australia and working as a carpenter in New Zealand. This enabled him to wander through Asia and South America for years.

Love brought him to The Netherlands, and then out to West Africa teaching HIV/AIDS prevention. Starting a family was his biggest adventure by far.

He would include Rohinton Mistry, Barbara Kingsolver, Jonathan Franzen and David Mitchell as writers he loves to read. Poetry-wise; Louis MacNeice, Don Paterson and Jonathan Edwards amaze.

Marcus' time is spent being a house husband, a part-time bookseller and full-time dad. His work has appeared in Amsterdam Quarterly, Jasper's Folly, here at The Poetry Lighthouse and Petrichor (forthcoming). He lives in Friesland with his family and two characterful cats.


Taryn Ariel


Nicholas Olah