Natalie C. Smith

Natalie C. Smith works outside as a mail carrier in the United States in Colorado. She leans into the meditative aspect of walking her route to consider turns of phrase and finds inspiration while being surrounded by nature during her day job. Natalie is a poet, spoken word and studio artist. She is a creator in many mediums and loves to dabble. When not creating, she enjoys rock climbing and hiking.

Natalie draws poetic inspiration from the works of Walt Whitman, Mary Oliver, Hala Alyan and Amy Kay of Instagram (@amykaypoetry). Natalie participates in National Poetry Writing Month or NaPoWriMo every April and has been heavily inspired by Amy Kay’s daily prompts and the poetry community that has rallied around her account.

Natalie’s poems have been published in several print publications including Beyond Worship: Meditations on Queer Worship, Liturgy, & Theology, Michigan's Best Emerging Poets, and The Aquinas Sampler.

Find her on Instagram @Natalie.C.Wordsmith


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