Remnants of Time

There he sat, crouching in the rocking chair, slightly moving to and fro. His knees were up to his chest and held tightly by his hands. His mortified eyes rolled frantically around the house, penetrating into each corner. The lightless room was once the brightest piece of heaven, however, anger and guilt choked the serenity. The house was a rich mansion, made of luxurious wood and occupied by appealing pieces of furniture. The room was absolutely lifeless now, not a single thing withered by. The lights had gone off and the doors and windows were tightly cemented. Outside, the sky was crimson red, like blood of vengeance pouring down on him; no moon shone that night... He sat there, almost crippled in a terrifying manner, into the chair. He could hear his breath, hissing like a lunatic snake, slithering on his body. His mind was crawling with profound guilt and his body was freezing. There was no wind outside but something was in the room… 

The hands of the giant antique clock reached three and then time stopped… He could feel a drop of cold sweat rolling eerily down from his forehead to his chin. It felt more like little cold fingers that were trying to promise harmless caresses to him. His eyes immediately caught sight of something moving outside the window. Under the dark night, something or someone way darker stood by the window, sneaking a look and smiling. 

‘She’s here again…’ he whispered to himself and put down his head into his knees, determined not to look again. Everything was peaceful for the moment until… ‘Knock…Knock…Knock…Knock’, someone tapped the front door but the man did not answer. He was paralyzed with fear; his heart hammered against his chest and made his body tremble in desperation and horror. He kept rocking harder as he felt that millions of hands were trying to grasp him and a million voices spoke into his mind. The voices were reminding of his horrendous crime and guilt overflowed into his body. He just kept his head pinned to his knees, trembling and closing his eyes, he prayed, “I don’t want to die… Lord, I’m sorry… I’m so so sorry”. Silence reigned over the house for a while but then, a shrill voice of a child, commenced its tormenting whispers in a paranoid song… 

“My Love,

I know you can feel me,

You’re rocking to and fro,

Your fear makes me so much foggy.


Open up the door dear,

Let me into you,

And we will talk about past.

Once you were a loving dad,

When I was born, you felt that I was cruel and bad.

And when I turned eight, on my birthday,

For me, you made a spooky grave.

My Love,

Take a look at the window,

See closely on my grave,

Its open and I’m close, behind you.


Take a look around

You will find my smiling face,

And stoned eyes…

Tell me, should we play along?

Or you will tell a story now?

Should I hide in the dark basement?

And you will come to seek me again?

My Love,

Why are you so dreadful?

You loved me, so I have come…

You stabbed my little heart and hid me.


Do you remember this?

You promised to my Mom,

A delirious vow, you said, you would do…

You said, you’ll be with me throughout,

In life and death, to all aloud.

So I have come to you tonight…

To take your soul and cease your fright.

My Love,

I am right at the window,

Sneak a look and see,

You will find me sitting and smiling at you,


See down at your feet,

Your only gift to me,

The doll you gave me in my grave.

Don’t fear me, no; I’m not stabbing you,

I am here to calm your pain, for true.

Come with me beside my grave,

I have made the same, a loving bed.

My Love,

Let’s not wait any longer,

I hope you feel my cold

Hands adoring your sick neck, right now,


Let’s make a little haste,

I will be with you everywhere,

And today I’m here.

I float to your left and right,

I will make sure that you’re alright.

Complete all your chores on time

And come with me and say Goodbye…”

No human breathed anymore, and the chair stopped rocking, all fell silent…


Le Portail Vers Le Diable