Elizabeth Mateer

Books have been my lifelong method of exploration, adventure, and escape. As a child, I could always be found with my face in a fantasy novel. By extension, writing became my preferred form of expression. Now, I primarily write poetry as a way to process, express, and connect. I love the craft and life of language, how it expands and contracts to wrap around the message we’d like to deliver. Beyond writing, I’m an avid traveler, which has taken me to all seven continents. My travels to Italy to visit my Nonna’s village in Tuscany sparked the desire to learn Italian and connect with my heritage. Now, I am grateful to blend my love of language, poetry, and travel through this role. 

I received my Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Hunter College, and am currently in the process of finishing my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. My poetry has appeared in the recent anthology, Fractured Light and Beyond Words Literary Magazine. My debut chapbook, Searching for Home will be published in October 2024. 


Mackenzie Bennett


Olivia Lebeau