“Ambition” — by Jaime Torres Bodet; translated by Erwin Arroyo

Original Spanish version: 

“Ambición” — by Jaime Torres Bodet

Nada más, Poesía:

la más alta clemencia

está en la flor sombría

que da toda su esencia.

No busques otra cosa.

¡Corta, abrevia, resume;

no quieras que la rosa

dé más que su perfume!

English translation:

“Ambition” — translation by Erwin Arroyo

Nothing else, Poetry:

The highest clemency

lies in the somber flower

that gives all its essence.

Do not look for anything else.

Trim, abridge, summarise;

don’t expect the rose to release

any other than its perfume!


“Civilisation” — by Jaime Torres Bodet; translated by Erwin Arroyo


“August” — by Jaime Torres Bodet; translated by Erwin Arroyo