Get Rid of Bile Slowly

There is an unseen, unfelt, unacknowledged gap 

In self, meaning, experience

Produced when food is withheld from an organism

By taking away the insides that are already there.


The organism and its gap remain unquenched of good fruit.

It has to negotiate, navigate, exist with bad 

Bile to fill itself instead.

The bad bile churns out chaos, unnoticed.


The chaos becomes self, meaning, experience—

Love, life, truth—rejecting all that 

Threatens it 

With more chaos. More bad bile.


But once seen—over a lifetime, generation, species—

Organisms can methodically and relentlessly

Make themselves sick

To quit the bad bile, leaving fresh gaps to fill as we choose.




You’re allowed the good fruit. Make space for it slowly.

You can hold onto truth. Let yourself see it slowly.

You can be yourself, loved and full. But first, get rid of the bad bile. 



Not Me With All These Sins, About to Cast All These Stones


All love letters are ridiculous