Not Me With All These Sins, About to Cast All These Stones
These past few years I have re-lived everything (we once met an old couple
In Corfu, I think it was, the “we” being me and my first girlfriend. God I was cruel to her
(They had worked together at Clarks shoes and had lived in the low-cost housing
On the site of the factory, in Street. They dumped so much on us that holiday! They were reliving everything too)); and
It can be so innocuous, what comes back, though it has been a thorough,
Thorough bombardment of memories for me, at times, and I have felt quite guilty
(And annoyed! They simply would not be quiet! And they were on that terrace
Every! Bloody! Evening! I just wanted to speak to my girlfriend
But I couldn’t (and now, an hour or so later,
At least two other holidays have come back to me (along with other pettiness
And cruelty) as I still
Only discard my days in the sun here
Vaguely–cowardly–as I write
And peel away more and more vacant memories
That only seem to highlight others)) while they
Ruined our whole trip for us!