because the day runs away
before it can be caught.
The night shows itself unafraid
like the eldest child or the king
of the castle standing his ground
with bloody-mindedness.
Witness to the brutal and mean,
it makes no excuses, slightly crazed
and not a little extreme,
it has the mind of Ezra Pound.
Enjoying its tricks and crimes,
it can go further, freely terrorising
the street, rapping doors
then running and hiding behind
the wet hedge, or looking
in windows and tapping the pane.
Never taking the blame,
it pulls a face and ignores the risk,
naked and fearless at the wolf-hour,
a cover for weakness for sin,
its badness using soft shadows
to enchant and mystify, corners
to entice, streetlights to lead away,
its long fingers
grabbing your small bare hands.