Love is Love

I asked myself do I take off my mask or should my truth remain untold,

Judgements and rejection made me afraid to face a world that can be cold.

Ask me now if I'm glad I took off my mask and the truth I'll tell, 

The truth is I'm happy and proud for unmasking the true authentic Ell.

I realised that those who cared and loved me were happy for me,

I decided throwing the crystals of my joy on the moor set me free.

I just wish society wouldn’t throw rocks at something that glitters bold and great,

I often wonder why society is tainted by judgement and hate,

A person's differences should be embraced as that makes them unique in their own way,

But often the uniqueness leads to unfairness, I’m afraid to say.

When you don't fit society's mould, you're often labelled as different - and rarely in a positive light,

In this world everyone should be able to live freely without having to fight. 

Brave is the person who walks without being afraid of adding glitter to their pallet, 

Ah! I long for the day where people are no longer scoffed at and in society everyone can fit.

A world where kindness and inclusion are embedded without having to shout in protest,  

Where solace is everywhere, and life isn’t one big contest.

 Perfect doesn’t exist, we’re all unique in our flaws, differences and vulnerabilities, 

Wouldn’t it be beautiful if we lived in a world of unconditional acceptance and peace.

Our differences simply make us like nothing else, in a way beautiful and unique, 

Be bold and authentic and your truth you must speak.

Transformations happen when our mask is unravelled and our truth is spoken unapologetically,

Transformations lead to changes that can spread through others so beautifully.

Remember everyone is fighting internal battles that others may not be able to see, 

Everyone faces hurdles as life isn’t straight forward and struggles are inevitable unfortunately.

I request you to stand strong, be authentic and don’t change just to conform to society’s expectations,

It'll lead you down dark alleys where you’ll suffer the brunt of so many limitations.

Be kind and inclusive that’s the least we can do,

And don't be afraid of being yourself as the worlds a better place for having you.


The Pope Waves from the Balcony of the Apostolic Palace or With Love from Rome


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