The Pope Waves from the Balcony of the Apostolic Palace or With Love from Rome

we have gathered again 

cluster of once and again Catholics in the piazza 

the Catholic-ish 

the non-believers stripped of labels 


all of us pretending to care as Papa Francesco waves 

and waves 

poor substitute for tending the flock 

strayed lambs as we all are 

in the heart of the Vatican 

seven years later I will read 

letter to two cardinals 

Pope Francis 

the very same 

expressing approval for Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples 

even the language of the missive offensive 


careful rules and restrictions 

reaffirming love as sin 

blessing allowed in spite of 

rather than because of love 

those seeking a blessing should not be required to have prior moral perfection


as if any of us live in moral perfection anyway 

I think back on my younger self 

in heart of Rome 

waging guerrilla warfare against hate campaign papering the streets 

covering posters up with my own 

hand-painted watercolor posters 

embracing only love 

l'amore vince 

Love wins 


Love is louder 

l'amore è più forte


An alternate place, a different time


Love is Love