The Fortune Teller

Original Italian (Roman dialect):

“L'indovina de le carte” by Trilussa

- Pe' fa' le carte quanto t'ho da dà?
- Cinque lire. - Ecco qui; bada però
che m'haio da di' la pura verità...
- Nun dubbitate che ve la dirò.

Voi ciavete un amico che ve vô
imbrojà ne l'affari. - Nun pô sta2
perché l'affari adesso nu' li fo.
- Vostra moje v'inganna. - Ma va' là!

 So' vedevo dar tempo der cuccù!3
- V'arimmojate. - E levete de qui!
Ce so' cascato e nun ce casco più!

- Vedo sur fante un certo nun so che...
Ve so' state arubbate... - Oh questo sì:
le cinque lire che t'ho dato a te.

English Translation:

“The Fortune Teller” translated by Elizabeth Mateer

“How much to read my cards?”
“Five dollars.” “Here you go; but make sure
you tell me the whole truth…”
“Don't worry, I will.”

“You have a friend who wants to
cheat you in your business.” “That can't be
because I'm not doing any business right now.”
“Your wife is cheating on you.” “Oh, come on!

I've been a widower since the cuckoo!”
“You'll get married again.” “Get out of here!
I fell for it once, but I won't fall for it again!”

“I see something on the jack…
You've been robbed.” “Oh, this much is true:
the five dollars I just gave you.”


Green Eyes


Flying High