Broken Down on the Hard Shoulder
shoulder to cry on
cold shoulder oh, it’s
cold out here in a place
where there is nothing
to shoulder aside
and neither is there
any evidence any real evidence
of breakdown more perhaps
a sort of graze a shunt
nothing memorable
just a trickle a touch
of cold as I remember you
the morning after any morning
after any before
weeping (or so I had hoped)
on your soft disarming shoulder
so pale so white and so
downy like a memory of babyhood
before the breakdown
before all the fuss around
the break (break time, arm break,
the break in continuity that precedes
recollection of trauma
such as you might experience
stuck out here on the hard shoulder
with only the memory of breakdown
awaiting you as you await
rescue softening relaxation)
nothing like a greenstick break
no fracture of the shoulder
while the waiting is getting colder
and my remembering the rearming
of my memories encounters
the hard unyielding rock
of you but also of course also
the healing of the break
the yielding of the shoulder
the cupping of the damaged limb
arrival of the black ambulance
skidding along the tarmac
of the misplaced dislocated shoulder